Videoclips [ videobihttás ]

Künstler: Áigi / Album: Hilat
Titel: Normo Joavnna
Sprache: nordsamisch

Garra Leammu Joavnna
galge geavahit jo, dan guhkes raige ruovddi,
go aitto gáibái áigo,
dan stuora guovžža geassit

English translation would be:
Strong Leammu Joavnna
we gonna use, the long holed ironthing,
cause right under the cheek,
the big bear gonna fall

Künstler: Sofia Jannok / Album: Ássogáttis
Titel: Irene
Sprache: nordsamisch

Sáre- go vuomi guobirbealjážat njolggiidedje
Ántte Nils - Duommá Ber - Ántte Irene
Sáre- go vuomis de guobirbealjážat nu njolggiidedje
Ántte Nils - Duommá Ber - Ántte Irene

English translation would be:
In Sárevuomi the earmarked reindeer took off
Ántte Nils-Duommá Ber-Ántte Irene
In Sárevuomi the earmarked reindeer took off
Ántte Nils-Duommá Ber-Ántte Irene

Künstler: Elin Kåven / Album: Eamiritni
Titel: Hiras / Demure
Sprache: nordsamisch

don fertet gávdnat mu
ozašit go mu?
mun in boađe ieš
jus hálidat háleštit
gažadivččet go mu?
mun in jeara ieš
mun lean nu hiras ja hearki

ja fertet boahtit lagabui
boađe lagabui
de gulat mu
mun in jáhke masage
in oaivvil in maidege
jus don it muital maid
mun lean nu hiras ja hearki

mun in luohte in geasage
in oaju in geasage
in alccen ge
in mun nagot in maidege
In nákce in maidege
Jus it mieđuš mu

English translation:
you have to find me
would you look for me?
I won't come by myself
if you want to talk
would you ask me?
I don't respond by myself
I am so demure and fragile

you have to come closer
come closer
to hear me
I don't believe in anything
I don't have an opinion
if you don't tell me what
I am so demure and fragile

I don't trust anyone
I don't have faith in anyone
not even myself
I'm not able to do anything
I can't do anything
if you don't accompany me

Künstler: Mari Boine / Album: It Ain'T Necessarily Evil
Titel: Elle
Sprache: nordsamisch

De rahpasii giđđaeatnu fas
De dulvvi miel luoittašeimmet
Jiekŋaidja gárttai viimat vuollánit

De girdilin biellocizažiin
De joradin guovssahasain
vuoibmás vuoiŋŋahagas šogádeimme ovttas
Mu bieggabártnažan

De rahtase jienaheamit fas
De golggiihii sátnerávdnji
gálbmon gáttiin go mii viimat gávnnadeimmet

Go váccašat ealloravddas de...
Go guođuhat suhkesoivviid...
Almmiravda ealaska ja sugada
Mu Bieggabártnažan

English translation:
And so the spring river opened up again
And so we let ourselves drift with the flood
The night of ice had to give in
Dearest son of the wind

Surely I flew with the bluethroat
Surely I danced with the northern light
In the strongest of breath we exhaled as one
My dearest son of the wind

The lips of the silenced people bursted out in speech
The stream of words once again were flowing
Over the frozen riverbanks when we finally came together
Dearest son of the wind

When you´re walking alongside the reindeer-herd...
When you guard the reindeer-oxen with the great antlers...
All of the horizon comes alive and starts to move
My dearest son of the wind

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