Doc Elch 2

SWF3 / SWR3 Mooses

Here you can see the elks with whom it all started many years ago. SWR3 was called SWF3 back then. The Black Forest elk could often be heard on the radio, talking nonsense. That's where this passion for the Black Forest elk came from :).

At some point, SWF3 became the current station SWR3 and the moose got significantly fewer “appearances” in the program, and its appearance also changed.

The moose family

Over the years, more and more came along. Instead of flowers, friends brought a cuddly moose. For years, we hosted well over 200 moose in our rooms. Here are photos of a large part of the moose family. Many of the family have of course moved out and started their own families.

During the first big wave of refugees at Christmas, we gave most of them to the Red Cross so that children who had lost everything could at least hug a friend.
Nevertheless, around 50 moose still live with us.

The Friends of Elch

Of course, such a charming and friendly moose has many friends on earth.

Over time, our elk became friends with other elk families over the internet. They then sent us photos of their elk for our homepage.

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